Switching Ruby Version in RVM for Metasploit Development

If you have setup a development environment with RVM to do development in Metasploit Framework you are bound to encounter that the Metasploit team has changed preferred Ruby versions.

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Basics of The Metasploit Framework API - IRB Setup

Those of you who have taken my "Automating Metasploit Framework" class all this material should not be new. I have decided to start making a large portion of the class available here in the blog as a series. 

On this post I will cover the basics of setting up IRB so we can start exploring in a general sense the Metasploit Framework API. The API is extensive and sadly it would take quite a bit of time over it all, in the series I will covers the basic API calls and provide enough knowledge so you can continue learning the rest on your own or as needed. 

For this you need to be running a development environment. The Metasploit team has documentation on how to setup one https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/wiki/Setting-Up-a-Metasploit-Development-Environment 

If you are new to Ruby or come from another language and are learning the syntax here is a Ruby Primer.

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Update to Pentest Metasploit Plugin

I recently update my Metasploit Pentest Plugin . I added 2 new commands to the plugin and fixed issues when printing information as a table. The update are small ones.

Lets take a look at the changes for the plugin. We can start by loading the plugin in a Metasploit Framework session.

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Sysinternals Sysmon 6.10 Tracking of Permanent WMI Events

In my previous blog post I covered how Microsoft has enhanced WMI logging in the latest versions of their client and server operating systems. WMI Permanent event logging was also added in version 6.10 specific events for logging permanent event actions. The new events are:

  • Event ID 19: WmiEvent (WmiEventFilter activity detected). When a WMI event filter is registered, which is a method used by malware to execute, this event logs the WMI namespace, filter name and filter expression.
  • Event ID 20: WmiEvent (WmiEventConsumer activity detected). This event logs the registration of WMI consumers, recording the consumer name, log, and destination.
  • Event ID 21: WmiEvent (WmiEventConsumerToFilter activity detected). When a consumer binds to a filter, this event logs the consumer name and filter path

In version 6.10 it tracks the creation and deletion of __EventFilter Class, Any Consumer Type Class and __FilterToConsumerBinding Class. 

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Basics of Tracking WMI Activity

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) has been part of the Windows Operating System since since Windows 2000 when it was included in the OS. The technology has been of great value to system administrators by providing ways to pull all types of information, configure components and take action based on state of several components of the OS. Due to this flexibility it has been abused by attackers that saw its potential since it early inclusion in the OS.

As security practitioners it is one of the technologies on Microsoft Windows that is of great importance to master. Until recently there was little to now logging of the actions one could take using WMI. Blue Teams where left leveraging third party tools or coding their own solution to cover gaps, this allowed for many year the abuse of WMI by Red Teams simulating the very actions that attackers of all kind have used in their day to day operation. We will take a look at how Microsoft improved the logging of WMI actions.

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